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 “Give thanks unto God; who is good.  God’s mercy endures for ever.” (Ps. 118: 29)

Let’s get into the habit of giving thanks to God for the wonderful joy of salvation – the freeing and healing love that Jesus proclaimed in his life, death and resurrection.  Gratitude invites us to see silver linings, feel comfort and become generous with our own gifts.  Let us sing Hosanna!

Our last Sunday of Lent is also the first day of Holy Week, Palm Sunday.  This year for Lent, our online Wednesday devotions and our online and in person worship experiences will focus on the teachings of the Psalms. They teach that we can “pay our vows” to our God. We will “pay” by practicing five habits of Christian living: Confess, Worship, Learn, Testify and Give Thanks. Today is our final habit to practice:  Give Thanks.  

A recording of the service will be posted as a video and will be available for viewing on Sunday morning by clicking on the following links .

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