Welcome to St. David’s United Church on-line worship for April 19, 2020

The Second Sunday of Easter is traditionally the time to hear the story of “Doubting Thomas”, who represents the faithful followers throughout the centuries “who have not seen, and yet have come to believe.” (John 20:29)

Thanks to our lay reader, Shauna Dittrick, and our musicians, Colin Bonneau, Ron Thompson, and Jim Montney.

We are trying a LiveStream option, now available on this website! It will be available after 10:20 AM. You should be able to chat with others who have check in! You can also use the links below to watch the video any time. (Next week's service will be in "real time" so check in before 10:30 AM.)

Otherwise, the video is available on YouTube through the link at the bottom, or by clicking the YouTube button (looks like a Play button) in the upper right corner.



Service Outline


When doors were shut and the world was kept out, Resurrection found the disciples. When the church gathers and the world waits outside, may Resurrection find us.

All: God of new life, come to us, we pray. Renew us with faith, hope, and love.

When fear grew and new questions were found, Resurrection found the disciples. When faith leads us into new questions about life, may Resurrection find us.

All: God of faith, come to us, we pray. Renew us with faith, hope, and love.

When suffering remained and the city was hostile, Resurrection found the disciples. When Christ gathers with his followers in living worship, may Resurrection find us.

All: God of hope, come to us, we pray. Renew us with faith, hope, and love.

Creator God, we bring our doubts, our questions, and our unbelief. May your Spirit create a moment of glory where we can see you among us. May the world witness the Good News that Resurrection brings.

All: God of new life, come to us, we pray. Renew us with faith, hope, and love. Amen.

HYMN NO. 345 VU: “Come, Children, Join to Sing”


By the risen Christ, God renews our spirits. Hallelujah!


When have you experienced God’s breath of hope and new life? How might unbelief become places of growth?


Link to Stephen Colbert April 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOGRS3Paaxk

DEDICATION (Tune: Llanfair, No. 875 VU)

Jesus Christ is ris’n today. Hallelujah!
Love has burst forth from the grave! Hallelujah!
Joyful songs of praise we sing. Hallelujah!
Gifts of thanks and love we bring. Hallelujah!


Merciful and loving God, we come into your presence today hoping in some way to touch you, to see for ourselves the truth of your resurrection. Gather up our lingering fears and confusion; meet our doubts with compassion and understanding.

Open our eyes to your love and grace surrounding us. Open our ears to hear you calling us to new challenges. Open our imaginations to new possibilities. Come anew to all who have been unable to believe; come anew to all who have known you but turned away from you. Help us to experience you standing in our midst, saying, “Peace, peace.”

We lift up into your loving arms the concerns of our hearts [add names and concerns]

May our broken world and our broken lives be transformed in your image. We name our woundedness, and turn to you for healing and newness of life, for you, O God, are our strength, our hope, and our salvation.


Trusting in the risen Christ, we pray as Jesus taught us: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

HYMN NO. 164 VU: “The Day of Resurrection”


May God roll away the stones to open us to new life. May the Living God grant us hope,– hope in our hands to open doors; hope in our eyes to see possibilities; hope in our hearts to live by faith.

From this Easter festival, we go forth to live Resurrection: In the name of the God who makes us, in the name of the Christ who makes us free, in the name of the Spirit who makes us one. Amen!

Technical Notes

In addition to the links below, we are going to try a new feature from our web hosting service: Live Streaming! This Sunday will simply be the recorded video (which is actually posted on YouTube at the link below. But we plan to be live next Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. Watch for details in the upcoming issue of the e-News.

The version on Google Drive is medium resolution, so may look better on larger screens, Link to it here:


(This week's file is too large for downloading through this webpage.)

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