Greetings from St. David's United Church!

Now that June is here, the Province of Alberta is starting to relax some of the restrictions on gatherings for businesses and places of worship. Some people are getting a little braver, venturing out for walks, having chats across driveways or around spread-out circles, and so on.

The Council of St. David's United Church continues to monitor the situation, and has discussed the possibility of reopening. Most of the activities we value about our time at church (singing, greeting, eating) are classed as high risk activities, and many people in our congregation are in the vulnerable sector, age-wise or health-wise. While some faith communities are finding ways to gather in person, and while we miss the personal contact that is so much a part of our congregation's life, the Council agreed at its May meeting that the safest response at this time is to wait a bit longer.

Through our previous mailing, along with our website and weekly e-News, we have offered thoughts and prayers to support you during the early stages of physical distancing. This has been a traumatic experience, with all the usual responses of grieving. Each of us will respond in our own ways, and much of our response will depend on what we've lost,-- personal contact, mutual support, employment, income, and so on.

An important part of grief therapy is identifying our sources of support and strength: Where do you find comfort? Where do you find encouragement? Where do you feel accepted? Along with this, we can develop our sense of gratitude: What or who has helped you cope in the past? Who do you appreciate? What inspires you?

For the coming weeks, we will continue to offer on-line options for worship and Bible Study. Information will be provided on our website ( and through the e-News. This mailing also includes some resources for home use.

As always, Judy Tabler, the Connections Coordinator, and Rev. Stuart Jackson, the Minister, are available by phone or email to chat, to pray, to discuss, to listen.


David Marriott, Council Chair

Stuart Jackson, Minister

Judy Tabler, Connections Coordinator

Shauna Hayman, Administrative Assistant