A Model for Ministry

Thanks to Shauna for the readings, and Colin, Robin, Jasmin and Mark for the music.

All copyright material reproduced with permission under One License No. A722095

Order of Worship



O give thanks to God ... Seek the Lord and his strength; seek God’s presence continually.

GATHERING (from Celebrate God’s Presence)

One: … Let us pray.

All: God of promise, persist in opening our hearts and minds to your presence among us. Send your Spirit to increase our faith,– and our delight,– in your surprising ways. Amen.

HYMN: “For the Fruit of All Creation”
(Fred Pratt Green, No. 227 Voices United; One License)

What connects us to God’s love? What gifts and talents do we bring to God’s community?

Genesis 29:15-28 (Jacob marries Leah and Rachel)
Matthew 13:31-33,44-52 (Parables of the Kingdom)

One: In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith. This is a faithful witness of our ancestors,– Word of God for us today.
All: Thanks be to God.

HYMN: “We Plough the Fields and Scatter”
(Matthias Claudius, 1782; trans. Jane Montgomery Campbell, 1861; No. 520 Voices United; Public Domain)

SERMON: A Model for Mission

HYMN: “In the Bulb There Is a Flower”
(Natalie Sleeth, © 1986 Hope Publishing; No. 703 Voices United; One License)

Information on how to support the ongoing mission and ministry of St. David’s United Church is available on our website and in the weekly e-News. Thank you for your ongoing support!

DEDICATION: “Come, Let Us Sing”, v. 1 & 3
(Jim Strathdee, © 1976 Desert Flower Music; No. 222 Voices United; One License)


Pray for the Life, Work and Mission of the Church
• Give thanks for examples of new life...
• Pray for places and people who are in need of new life...

PRAYER OF JESUS (p. 921 Voices United)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

HYMN: “Sow Seeds, Trust the Promise”
(Jim Manley; No. 54 All God’s Children Sing;One License)


POSTLUDE: “Sow Seeds, Trust the Promise”
Played by Colin Bonneau

All copyrighted material used with permission under One License No. A722095


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