This will be my last month with you at St. David’s. We are planning to resume in-person gathering for August 23 and 30, and I plan to lead both of those services. Of course, the Alberta Health Services protocols mean we won’t be singing or having food, so these will be very different experiences!

This week’s service will include the sacrament of Communion, so have some bread and juice available before you start. The service will be posted on our website as a Live Stream at 10:30 AM on Sunday. It will also be available for viewing on the following:

Face Book:

You can also access these pages from our website by clicking on either the “F” for Face Book or the “Play Button” icon for YouTube.

Please note that we will be moving the YouTube channel from my personal account to the St. David’s account. You may want to subscribe to this channel, for future reference. The video provided here connects to this new channel.

New YouTube Channel:

The recording will include the texts for hymns, etc., and the Service Outline is posted below.

Thanks to Janice for reading, and t Colin, Robin, Ron, Jasmin and Jim for the music.

If you are interested in adding your voice as a scripture reader, please let me know by email ( All you need is a memo or voice recorder app on your cell phone.

For the summer months, we invite hymn requests for our recording sessions. So let me know what you want to hear!



Order of Worship

All copyrighted material used with permission under One License No. A722095


“I call upon you, O God, for you will answer me. Incline your ear to me, and hear my words.”


All: O God, when we face challenges of our own doing, call us back to your family. Remind us that your blessings of love and forgiveness are sufficient. Make us bold to trust your leading, and eager to extend your compassion to all Creation. Amen.

HYMN NO. 13 MV: “O Let The Power Fall on Me”
(v 1: Birchfield Aymer, © The Caribbean Conference of Churches; v 2: Unknown; One License)

What gifts do we receive in abundance? How do we respond to God’s generosity? How do we recognize God at work?

  • Genesis 32:22-31 (Jacob wrestles with God)
  • Matthew 14:13-21 (Jesus feeds a crowd)


One: In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith. This is a faithful witness of our ancestors,– Word of God for us today.
All: Thanks be to God.

SERMON: “Table of Plenty”

HYMN NO. 355 VU: “For the Crowd of Thousands”
(Fred Kaan, 1968; One License)

    Information on how to support the ongoing mission and ministry of St. David’s United Church is available on our website and in the weekly e-News.
  • Thank you for your ongoing support!

DEDICATION NO. 191 MV: “What Can I Do?”
(Paul Rumbolt and Michelle McCarthy, One License)

What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share.



SOLO: “Bless This House”
Sung by Jim Montney, with Robin Stuart

The Sacrament of Communion

HYMN NO. 480 VU: “Let Us Break Bread Together”
(Spiritual; Public Domain)

GREAT THANKSGIVING (repeated response)
One: For all that you have done,
All: We give you thanks, O God.

THE PRAYER OF JESUS, sung (No. 959 VU)


This bread is the body of Christ, blessed, and broken, and given for you. Eat this, and remember Jesus.
This is the cup of the new covenant, blessed, and poured, and given for you. Drink this, and remember Jesus.
These are the gifts of God for the people of God. Come and be filled.

(You may share the Communion elements now.)


All: We thank you, God, for feeding us at your table, and for providing for all our needs. We thank you for sending Jesus into our midst, to teach us, to feed us, to heal us. We thank you, God, for using our gathering as a time to demonstrate your power to help and to heal. Amen.

HYMN NO. 481 VU: “Sent Forth By God’s Blessing”
(Omer Westendorf, 1964, One License)


POSTLUDE: “May the God of Hope” played by Colin Bonneau

All copyrighted material used with permission under One License No. A722095


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