St. David's United St. David's United
St. David's United is live
Sunday July 25, 2021 Worship Service
Leigh Sinclair
Leigh Sinclair
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Order of Service
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Worship Service 

July 25, 2021

News & Announcements
Candle Lighting
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn:
VU399 "God, Whose Love is Reigning O'er Us" (v.1,2,5)
Connecting Time
Reading from Scripture:
Ephesians 4:1-8, 11-13 (The Message)
Gospel of John 6:1-21 (NRSV)

Sermon/Reflection:  "Love Rejoices in Truth"
Hymn:  MV28 "God of the Bible" (v.1,2,5)
Invitation to Offering
AGCS37 "The Circle of Love" (chorus, v1, chorus)
Prayers of the People & Lord's Prayer:  (tune VU713)
Hymn:  VU298 "When You Walk From Here" (3x)
Blessing Song:
MV224 "May the God of Peace"

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-722095

Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) Peter Chynoweth, Wanda Winfield, Fern Gibbard, Laura Turnbull and Kathleen Whyte. They are used with permission and taken from Gathering, Pentecost One 2021.