St. David's United St. David's United
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November 1, 2020 - All Saints Day
Leigh Sinclair
Leigh Sinclair
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Order of Service
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St. David’s United Church Order of Worship
November 1, 2020 All Saints Day

News and Announcements
Today will be led by the Worship Committee, Leigh is taking this Sunday in lieu of November’s fifth Sunday.
Prelude (request for When the Saints come marching!)
Lighting of Candle
The Christ candle is lit
but what does it mean? Why are we here?
The Christ candle is lit,
but does it touch our hearts?
Why do we keep coming?
(a moment of silence)
The Christ candle is lit,
but does it change anything?
It’s a light that flickers.
It’s small and seemingly insignificant.
It’s made of ordinary material.
It’s rather unremarkable.
Yet, still, it speaks to us of Christ.

Singing: “This Little Light of Mine” source?
Call to Worship
Today we are here to honour all the saints who have lived before us, who live with us, and who will live after us.
Long live the saints!
To the saints of our tradition: Paul, Mary, Peter, Martha, Mark, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Andrew, Simon, Jude, Dorcas, Lydia, Priscilla, and many more, we are blessed because of you.
Long live the saints!
To the present-day saints that live among us each and every day.
Long live the saints!
Thanks be for God’s call that makes each of us saints in our own way.
Long live the saints!
Opening Prayer

Dedication of new window
Reading from Scripture:
Revelation 7: 9-17 (from the Message)

Matthew 5: 1-12 (from the NRSV)
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith. 
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors. 
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Reflection on our Saints (Worship Committee)
Singing: Faith of our Fathers (Voices United #580)
Doxology #161MV (verse four)
Offering Prayer
Searcher of Hearts, we open ourselves to your grace. Grant us vulnerable spirits so that we might willingly follow the pilgrim way. Enable us to venture beside sojourners and saints who deeply trust you.
May we grow in faith, expand in trust, and broaden in love. Bless all who receive our time, talents, and treasurer this week.  Free us to focus our faith on the One who reveals your grace, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hymn before prayer: A Prayer for All Humanity
Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer
We gather these prayers and we turn to you as our Mother who loves us and say the prayer Jesus taught us:
Sung version of KJV on VU 960
Singing: Let us Build a House MV#1
Sending Out
Though our talents and time seem small and insignificant.
But they are amazing gifts from God meant to be shared.
We go to celebrate the saints, past and future
Knowing we are the present ones – who can make Christ known!