St. David's United St. David's United
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With Gratitude!
Leigh Sinclair
Leigh Sinclair
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Order of Service
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St. David’s United Church Order of Worship
September 27, 2020 17th after Pentecost, Season of Creation
News and Announcements

Lighting of Candle
Singing:     #221 VU Sing Praise to God
Call to Worship and Gathering Prayers
The wonders of God’s abundant creation call out to us.
We marvel at the magnificence of God.
Yet God has entrusted all this to our stewardship.
We marvel at the immensity of God’s trust in us.
God has given us all we need to live abundantly, joyfully, and generously.
We come to worship God, creator and lover of all.
Let us pray: 
God of the mountains and the seas,
of dry land and living waters,
may we always look for you
where your Spirit leads us, in truth.
May we always notice you
where hope does not disappoint us,
because we know that your love
has been poured over all. Amen.

Coming Together
Refreshed by God

Singing:     #87 MV  Water Flowing From the Mountains 
Reading from Scripture:
Exodus 17:1-7  New Revised Standard Version
Matthew 21:23-32  reading from The Message paraphrase.
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith. 
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors. 
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Sermon:  Refreshed by God
Singing: #600 VU  When I needed a Neighbour
Giving Our Offerings:
Doxology  MV#196 “We Will Take What You Offer”
We will take what you offer, we will live by your word; we will love one another and be fed by you, Lord. We will take what you offer, we will live by your word; we will love one another and be fed by you Lord.      
Offering Prayer:
Prayer of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
We gather these prayers and we turn to you as our Mother who loves us and say the prayer Jesus taught us:
Our Father,
who art in heaven, hallow-ed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
forever and ever,
Singing: #89 MV Love Is the Touch
Sending Out
Children of the Creator God, go forth from this place knowing that in you, the fruit of all creation is strong and true.
You are always in God’s presence so soak up love no matter where you are in the line ups of this coming week.
We go and take our gifts of love out into the world, knowing that we go with the blessing of God, the love of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.
Thanks be to God and Amen! 
Today’s prayers were written by Laura Turnbull, Jean Leckie, Wanda Winfield and are used with permission from Gathering’s Pentecost 2, 2020 edition.