St. David's United St. David's United
St. David's United is live
Worship Service for February 12, 2023
Leigh Sinclair
Leigh Sinclair
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Order of Service
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Candle lighting
We pause.
We breath.
We are calling one another to prayer.
We light these candles to remember the One who calls us.
In their light, remember you are loved.
In their light, we remember God’s love for all.

Call to Worship 
Some of us wheel about in chairs.
Some of us use one or two legs.
Some of us bounce around, like wonderful waves.
Some of us are still, like strong rocks.
Some of us are brand new to following Jesus,
Some of us have been doing it for years.
All along the path of faith…no matter where we are:
God calls us to gather together – online and in person,
God calls us to worship and give praise.
For we are all most wonderfully made!

Opening Prayer 

Opening Hymn:  MV 81 Love Us Into Fullness

Connection Time

Reading from Scripture:
Psalm 119:1-8
Deuteronomy 30:15-20

We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith.  
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors.  
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.

Sermon:  Jesus as a Lens 

Hymn: MV 176 Three Things I Promise
DOXOLOGY MV 85  Take me as I am
Prayers of the People
Lord’s Prayer 

Hymn:  VU 560 O Master Let me Walk

Commissioning and Benediction
May we go out this day and listen with our hearts, 
May we journey following the teachings of your son.
May the Holy Spirit’s law of Love be our path.
May we be prepared to turn away from those things that keep us from your way.
May we be ready to respond to all things that bring your kingdom closer.
Go blessed by the Holy and look now:  
God’s presence in all around us. Amen.

Postlude (Colin Bonneau)

Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) Wendy MacLean, Jani Francis, Gill Le Fevre and Anna Atkinson. They are from Gathering (2023 Epiphany) and used with permission.